
신승배 1999.03.15 10:14:00

『후암교회-자유게시판 (go SGHUAMCH)』 164번
 제  목:[Danny] To associate Pastor.                               
 올린이: (석준  )    99/03/15 10:14    읽음:  6 관련자료 없음

 Dear. 이종화 associate Pastor.

  How goes well?
  I'm fine. Everthing goes well.
  I have no problems but what I associate with many people.
  Sometimes I think that if I was remaind alone but only God with me,
  I should get over this situation.
  But I remember a clause in the bible.
  "A friend loves at all times, and brother is born for adversity"
   -17:17 PROVERBS.
  From now on, I would try to unite our team, because we are fellow of God.
  I afraid that I get buried by inspid daily life. Pay for me. I'm to be since
  The day before yesterday, Paul Song who is the president of company Aris
  was invited  our Univ.
   In the semina, he say
 " we are climbing. If we would reach top of MT, We have to do our best.
   And then, we had reach top of MT,  also we try to climb MT. constantly."
  I think I"m climbing MT of vision. Yet, I cannot see top of MT,
  but I try to climb constantly.
  I need God's Hand. And I want to rejoice with God.
  My English skill is very fool and tough. But I believe that
  God guide a my steps in the path of righteousness.
  I don't fear or dismay. Because God is with me.

 "Why are you downcast, O my soul?
   Why so disturbed within me?
   Put your hope in god,
   for I will yet praise him,
   my savior and my God."  42:6 PSALMS

  I pray for all of Huam family.
  God bless you. We have to share a Good News. Do our best! God help us.!

  "Give us a taste of a heaven." Jesus name pray. A-men.

   I'll write to you again as soon as possible.
   By that time, may God protect thee...

           From. Danny.
